As a Registered Nurse with a background in NICU and Maternity, I want to assure you that I take my role in protecting your family and their health very seriously. I thought it important to let you know the specific steps I take, and that you can expect from me, both for a lactation visit and for classes. I also want to let you know what my expectations are from you and your family, so I can prevent transmitting any possible infection to others in the community and to my own family.
Rest assured, I am closely following communications from CDC, AWHONN, WHO, State of Michigan, and my governing body, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (which pertains to all licensed RNs in MI), and will update policies as indicated and directed. Many of these measures below are standard practice for me anytime of year and in any health climate. But there are some new additions as of late based on current recommendations for COVID-19.
For In-Home Lactation Appointments
As soon as I arrive at your home, I will ask for a place to wash my hands with soap and water.
Please have liquid soap (dish soap is fine) and paper towels available in your kitchen and/or bathroom.
I will be washing my hands as often as necessary during the consult, and also bring hand sanitizer that is > 60% alcohol as recommended by the CDC. This includes but it not limited to before and after touching: you or your baby, my computer, mouse, pen, supplies in my consult bag, other surfaces in your home, etc.
I bring gloves which I always wear when performing an oral assessment on your baby, but am also willing to wear anytime I am touching you or your baby if it would make you feel more comfortable.
I will need a clean swaddle blanket or burp cloth to put on my scale prior to weighing your baby.
Please have a disinfectant spray cleaner and paper towel available for me to clean my scale when I take it out of the bag and when I put it away. I also bring disinfecting wipes should you not have this available.
I prefer not to conduct the visit in your bedroom during this current time. I will teach you how to adapt any position I show you to do in your bed.
Prior to leaving and storing my supplies, I will wipe down my computer, mouse, pen, and any other used items prior to storing them in my bags.
I have disinfectant spray in my vehicle for disinfecting the outside of my consult bags.
Illness / Cancellation Policy for Lactation Home Visits
Please let me know in a timely manner if you or anyone in your family is symptomatic for any illness, including typical symptoms of a "common cold".
If you or anyone in your home has symptoms of illness, please disclose them to me at your earliest convenience so we can create a plan to keep us all safe and illness-free. No cancellation fee will be charged if you communicate illness in a timely manner and we choose to cancel or reschedule. A virtual visit may also be an option for you depending on you and your baby's needs and whether you are needing hands-on assessment or assistance.
If you or anyone in your home is sick with the flu, fever, cough, vomiting, or diarrhea when I arrive at your home, or has recently traveled to any country with a current CDC Travel Health Notice and you have not disclosed this prior to the visit, I will need to leave, the visit will be canceled, and you will be charged a $75 fee.
If you or anyone in your immediate family have recently traveled to any country with a current CDC Travel Health Notice (China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, etc), let me know as soon as possible and you will need to reschedule to a visit at least 14 days away and be symptom free, or we will conduct your visit virtually.
In case of my own illness, severe illness in one of my family members, or family emergency, I will communicate with you in a timely manner and will make every effort to reschedule your visit, offer you a virtual visit if appropriate, or refer you to another IBCLC, and no cancellation fee will be charged to you.
For Classes
Prior to and after every class, all wipeable class tools (birth balls, peanut balls, massage tools, yoga mats, blocks, dolls, pumps, etc.) are wiped with a disinfectant cleanser. All non-wipeable tools (rice socks, rebozos, backjacks, nursing pillows, etc.) are sprayed with a disinfectant spray. Any laundry safe items are laundered. The couch and non laundry safe pillows are also sprayed with disinfectant cleanser.
Hard surfaces and high touch areas (counters, stools, bathroom surfaces, door handles, etc.) are wiped and disinfected prior to and after class
Please ensure the pillows you bring to class have a clean pillow case on them. I also have pillows for you to use and the cases are laundered after every class and the pillow insert is sprayed with disinfectant.
Hand sanitizer is available for your use or you may bring your own
Illness / Cancellation Policy for Classes
Please let me know in a timely manner if you, your partner/coach, or anyone else in your immediate household is symptomatic for any illness, including typical symptoms of a "common cold". If anyone has symptoms of illness, please disclose them to me at your earliest convenience so we can create a plan to keep us all safe and illness-free. No cancellation fee will be charged if you communicate illness in a timely manner and we choose to cancel or reschedule to a different class. If you were registered for a private class, a virtual class may also be an option for you with the understanding that the hands on aspects are difficult to teach virtually. If the bulk of you class is conducted virtually, we can schedule a short in-person session to review the hands-on aspects once all parties are well.
If you or anyone in your home is sick with the flu, fever, cough, vomiting, or diarrhea, or has recently traveled to any country with a current CDC Travel Health Notice and you have not disclosed this prior to class, you will be kindly asked to leave the class and you will be charged half of the class fee.
If you or anyone in your immediate family have recently traveled to any country with a current CDC Travel Health Notice (China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, etc), let me know as soon as possible and you will need to reschedule to a class at least 14 days away and be symptom free, or we will attempt to conduct your class virtually.
In case of my own illness, severe illness in one of my family members, or family emergency, I will communicate with you in a timely manner and will make every effort to reschedule you, offer you a virtual class if appropriate, or refer you to another class in our community, and your class fees will be refunded in full.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your class for reasons other illness, you can read through my Class Cancellation Policy which should also be found in your confirmation email.
There is a lot of information out there, but it is most helpful to read current evidence-based recommendations. Here are some good starting points that are updated frequently:
CDC Recommendations for Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and for Small Children
Following basic infection prevention guidelines are your best bet to stay healthy and prevent the spread of disease.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds. Alcohol based hand sanitizer (>60%) may be used if you do not have access to soap and water.
If you sneeze or cough, do so into a tissue and then immediate wash your hands as above. If a tissue is not available, sneeze or cough into your elbow.
If you are sick, stay home.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth (i.e. Don't touch your face!).